Togbega Education Fund


The Togbega Education Fund was launched/established in 2004 at the durbar ground of the Battor Hogbeza, as one of the development projects after his installation as the Paramount Chief of the Battor Traditional Area.

The principal objectives of the fund include:

  1. To raise the awareness of the people in the Traditional Area concerning the importance of education
  2. To create an environment that is conducive to raising of standards and quality of education and skills training in the area
  3. To reduce illiteracy to an acceptable level in the area
  4. To assist brilliant but needy children of school-going age especially the girl child
  5. Any other programme or project incidental to the above mentioned objectives

Performance of the Fund so far

Since its launch the Togbega Education Fund has assisted a number of students at the senior high school and others who have undergone apprenticeship in dressmaking and hairdressing. In particular, …….have been helped financially to complete a three year training programme in

Modalities for selecting deserving beneficiaries

Since the fund can only assist a limited number of qualifying applicants selection interviews are very competitive and rigorous for the few scholarships available. Selected applicants may not necessarily be resident in the traditional area as long as they hail from a community in area.

Generally the selectors will request the applicants to provide past certificates and/or result slips. Interviews may also be conducted as part of the selection process.

Coverage of the Scholarship

The scholarship covers tuition fees only currently. It is the desire or intention of the administrator of the Fund to extend the coverage to books, examination fees, and boarding and lodging where necessary or applicable.

To that end the Fund will be re-launched at the 2012 Hogbeza durbar grounds and it is hoped that enough interest in the fund will be generated which will translate in actual financial and other material donations to the fund

Application Process

All interested candidates must apply attaching their admission letters and/or their terminal reports, to:
The Administrator, Togbega Education Fund, P O Box 1,
Battor, Volta Region.
Response to the application is immediate.